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Learn the language of business and prepare for a successful career in accounting, finance, or business.

Student receiving free tutoring assistance

Meet your general education requirement and earn an associate degree

Taught by top-notch Accounting and Business professors in classrooms, not lecture halls, with limited number of students for one-on-one attention, covering topics such as:

  • Small business accounting
  • Federal income taxes
  • Accounting principles
  • Business ethics
  • Human relations
  • Accounting for nonprofit organizations
  • Managerial accounting
  • Detection and prevention of fraud
Gain on-the-job experience working in an internship for an approved business or nonprofit organization where you apply the accounting principles and skills you learned in the classroom to real-world situations.
Explore 赌钱app可以微信提现's catalog to learn about our Accounting degree and individual courses

Highly qualified instructors, free tutoring, and affordable tuition

Courses at 赌钱app可以微信提现 cover the same accounting material at the same level of rigor as four-year business schools. And, we have free accounting tutoring available from experts who have worked in this profession.

Use your associate degree to pursue a career in business. You will be well prepared to be successful in various roles, including bookkeeping, accounts receivable and payable, or payroll.

Build a solid foundation in accounting principles before moving on to a four-year school and specialized field of study.

Join other successful 赌钱app可以微信提现 students Apply now

Homework assistance

All 赌钱app可以微信提现 students have access to tools and resources to help throughout their education. Just because you like crunching numbers does not mean you will not get stuck every now and then. 赌钱app可以微信提现 offers free science, math, writing and language tutoring on campus. These resource centers are available to you seven days a week at the Academic Resource Center.

Angela King, CPA, Accounting Professor
"Accounting goes beyond memorizing accounting terms and facts to understanding the 'big picture' of business. Accounting is not just one job. It is a career that leads to many job opportunities within the accounting field and business as a whole."

Contact info

Kate McNeil, Chair
Phone: 913-469-8500, ext. 3645
Location: GEB 165J

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